Hotel Babylon: S1

I watched five episodes from Season 1 of this 21st Century British version of The Love Boat.  It’s slick, it’s sexy, it’s smooth, it’s a little boring.   Max Beesley (Survivors, Glitter) plays a completely different role as the controlled, suave, assistant manager of the hotel.  The music is fun in that dance music meets elevator music kind of way.  But seriously it kind of made me giggle while I was watching it.  There’s a bit of euphoria blended in with that boredom.  I’d say if you were a fan of The Love Boat and want a hipper, landside version, then check this one out.  I gave it a 3.5 because it was sweet.  And I added a new category called, glamour (pronounced Glah-moor!) just for this show.

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