Dogs are Love

Saying goodbye to pets is never easy. Our Daisy died a year ago today, in our arms, quickly and painlessly from what looked like a heart attack. Boom she was gone. She left behind a huge hole in our hearts. Dennis and I still grieve to this day. We talk about her, we miss her, we’ve lost our outdoor routines, we have her ashes out, and kept all the cards so many kind friends and family gave to us. No we haven’t adopted another dog yet. I would but Dennis is more hesitant and he’s home more than me. So I’m waiting. Patiently. Today as I write this a few days ahead of posting, I am alone in the house and it is quiet. Too quiet. But I have her portrait and Willow’s portrait next to my desk so I can glance over at their gorgeous faces and yes talk to them. Proud to be that dog Dad.

Bringing it back to a Reel Charlie positive place, my favorite dog series continues to be The Pack which only had one season. It’s lots of fun and continues to stream on Netflx.

Hug your pet today if you’ve got one. I’ll get lots of licks and stuff from my two grand niece dogs Maxy and Lia before, during, and after my CA trip. 5 out of 5 woofs for Daisy.

The two best dogs ever: my first dog as an adult Willow who started out in NYC with me and lived in Kingston and Syracuse. And Daisy who left us in April 2023 and who was the apple of my eye, but especially Dennis’s. Forever in our hearts.

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