Flash Forward: S1

ABC television drama that was supposed to fill the void from the conclusion of Lost.  I never watched Lost, but I understand the appeal of these shows.  There’s an element of Sci-Fi, a lot of suspense and a jigsaw puzzle nature to the plot.  They are also ensemble casts, so if you don’t like one person, it’s easy to ignore and focus on any number of other characters.  I loved the way this started out.  I was hoping it would rise about the usual drivel of traditional American network television.  But by episode 10, it started getting sappy, predictable and full of bravado.   Turning point:  Joseph Fiennes character screaming, “I was loaded!”‘  Does anyone under 40 really refer to being drunk as loaded?  I kept watching because a few of the characters were interesting enough and before I realized it, I was committed to see this through to the end.  Full disclosure, I’d been under the weather most of the week.  Flash Forward was a good nurse.  I gave it a 3.  It tried hard, but in the end I’m not really sure it was worth so much of my time.

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